Call for Papers

MIE 2025 - "Intelligent health systems – From technology to data and knowledge" 

We invite submissions for Medical Informatics Europe (MIE) 2025, to be held in Glasgow, May 2025. The theme is "Intelligent Health Systems – From Technology to Data and Knowledge." We seek original research, case studies, and innovative solutions in medical informatics that explore the integration of intelligent systems, data analytics, and knowledge management to enhance healthcare delivery. Join us in shaping the future of intelligent health systems. 

Conference tracks include (but are not limited to): 

Key dates

Conference proceedings will be published with open access in the IOS Press series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

Full Papers, Posters and Short Communication Papers will be included in the conference proceedings. 

MIE2025 accepts the following contributions: 

Full Papers (5 pages) and Short Communication Papers/Posters (2 pages) 

Published by IOS Press in their open access series “Studies in Health Technology and Informatics” and submitted (for evaluation) for indexing by MEDLINE/PubMed; Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) and Book Citation Index - Science (BKCI-S); Google Scholar; Scopus; EMCare.. 


Panels, Workshops, Tutorials, (3 pages), and Demonstrations (1 to 3  pages) 

Available via the conference website in non-indexed program book 

Any presentation accepted in the program requires to have at least one author registered to the conference. Multiple presentations require one distinct registration per each accepted submission. Disrespect of this usual EFMI/MIE rule will lead to cancellation.



The official language for MIE2025 is English. All submissions must be in English. Submissions in any other language will be rejected without review. Values should be reported in the International System of Units. Authors are responsible for appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation in their submissions. Non-native English speakers are advised to consider employing the services of a professional editor or request review and editing from colleagues. 


Guidelines for authors 

All submissions must be formatted according to the IOS Press style for Studies in Health Technology and Informatics and have to be submitted through the conference online system at

Non-compliance with the templates including excessive length will lead to submission rejection. 


Types of submissions 


Full papers 

Description: Full papers are original works submitted for publication in the indexed conference proceedings by IOS Press 

Length: cannot exceed 5 pages 

Format: must adhere to the IOS template and guidelines (see below).  

Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References 

Presentation: Full papers are presented in a dedicated session in 10 min 


Short Communication Papers/Posters 

Description: Short communication/poster submissions typically present on-going work and preliminary results. 

Length: cannot exceed 2 pages 

Format: must adhere to the IOS template and guidelines (see below). 

Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References 

Presentation: TBA. 




Description: Workshops are sessions intended to discuss and practice innovative topics with the conference participants. 

Length: cannot exceed 3 pages 

Format: must adhere to the IOS template with the following 

Structure: Title, Topic, Rationale Outcome, Programme 

Presentation: 60-minute sessions (only). The workshop must allow at least 20 minutes for discussion or other interactive forms of collaborative working with the intended audience 

Remarks: The Scientific Programme Committee encourages equal representation of women and men among the speakers. 



Description: A panel is intended to focus on a specific topic on which a panel of experts gives their opinion and discusses it with the audience. 

Length: cannot exceed 3 pages 

Format: Must adhere to the IOS template 

Structure: Title, Description of the panel’s topic, Panellists’ short bio. 

Presentation: 60-minute session during the main conference program. A panel would typically feature 3-4 members giving a brief presentation or making a position statement, followed by at least 20 minutes of discussion with an active role for the audience. 

Remarks: The Scientific Programme Committee encourages equal representation of women and men on panels. 



Description: Demonstrations are sessions where a practical solution is presented to the audience.

Length: cannot exceed 3 pages 

Format: must adhere to the IOS template 

Structure: Title, Topic, and Contents of the demonstration 

Presentation: Presented from 20 to 30 minutes. 



Description: Tutorials are sessions to train the audience on a new topic. 

Length: Tutorials abstracts should not exceed 3 pages 

Format: Tutorials abstracts must adhere to the IOS template 

Structure: Title, general description of the topic proposed in appropriate headings, specific contributions of authors to the tutorial, brief biographies of the organizers/lecturers. 

Presentation: Authors of accepted tutorials will be required to present a three-hour tutorial during the pre-conference. 

Tutorial abstracts should outline the following: Topic, Format, Target Group, Learning Objectives, and Expected outcome of the workshop 

Remarks: There will be a separate registration for tutorials and a minimum number of participants is mandatory for the tutorial to take place. No honorarium will be offered to tutorial organizers/speakers. 

Mandatory Author Registration for all accepted submissions is applied. 

Any presentation accepted in the program requires to have at least one author registered to the conference. Multiple presentations require one distinct registration per each accepted submission (for each full paper or short paper or poster). Disrespect of this usual EFMI/MIE rule will lead to cancellation and withdraw of the submitted manuscript from conference proceedings.