Instructions for Presenters

Instructions for Presenters

Oral Presentations

Oral sessions are typically 60- to 90-minute live sessions moderated by a chairperson. Teleconference links or video presentations are not permitted.

At the end of all presentations in the session, if time permits, the chairperson may allow additional questions from attendees. If there are no further questions, the chairperson will formally close the session.

Poster Presentations

Poster presenters must prepare and bring to the conference venue a printed poster in A0 size, portrait orientation. Presenters are encouraged to be present at the Poster Area during designated sessions to discuss their work with attendees. Technical support will be available if required.

Panels, Workshops, and Demonstrations

Panels, workshops, and demonstrations are self-moderated and self-organised. However, presentations should allow interaction with attendees and allocate sufficient time for discussion before the session concludes.


Presentation Uploading



Presentation Guidelines

Full-paper presentations (8 min): Prepare 8 to 10 slides, including:


Short communication presentations (5 min): Prepare a maximum of 5 slides, including:


Technical Recommendations

o   Graphs and figures are often more effective than tables for oral presentations.

o   Ensure that text in figures is legible from a distance.

o   Use animations sparingly to avoid distractions.

o   If you include videos or interactive content, notify the technical team in advance.

o   Do not rely on online media access, as internet connectivity may be unreliable.


Technical Support


Final Remarks


We look forward to your participation at MIE 2025!